Vet Blog

What Foods Can My Dog Eat?

November 01, 2021

Do you want to give your dog some of your human food in Chandler?

This is a common practice among dog owners, and for the most part, it's safe enough to share your food with your pet. However, it's important to make sure you're only sharing food that is healthy for dogs to consume.

In the article below, you'll find a list of potential human foods you can give to your dog. You can use these recommendations to plan your dog's treats and meal supplements week to week, or you can keep it in mind as a reference for the next time you want to share with your pet. Read on to find out more!

Foods Dogs Can Eat Include:


Honey is an excellent source of several vitamins as well as minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Although you shouldn't give your dog too much sugar every day, honey has so many health benefits that it is safe to give your pet a spoonful daily if you choose to do so.

Honey can also help your dog build up a natural immunity to local pollen and plant-based allergens. This is true of humans, too, so if you and your dog need to work on your allergies, you can share a spoonful of honey every day to slowly but surely build up some resistance.


Coconut is healthy and good for your dog's skin and coat. It is also useful for improving your dog's immune system and helping him fight off illness. You can serve your dog sliced pieces of fresh coconut or you can give him unsweetened coconut flakes, as long as they do not contain any Xylitol or other artificial sweetener.

It's also perfectly safe to give your dog coconut milk as well as coconut oil. These are all much healthier alternatives to other options that are frequently fed to family pets.


It is safe for dogs to eat corn, but it isn't the best choice. Many types of dog foods use corn as a filler, but this ingredient often leads to digestive troubles and stomach upset in dogs who have trouble digesting it. For this reason, it's best to only give corn in moderation, and always remove it from the cob before sharing it.

Corn kernels off the cob should not be cooked in butter or oil and should not be seasoned. You can give your dog a small handful of corn kernels now and then, but too many can cause a digestive blockage that may become very dangerous.


Cooked eggs are a good source of protein for dogs, but they must be prepared without any added fats, oils, or seasonings. Do not cook eggs in butter or oil, and do not salt them before giving them to your dog. Try frying eggs in just a little bit of water, or boil them and cut them up for your dog as a special treat.

Your dog can have an egg every day, but make sure the egg is fully cooked before serving it to your furry friend. Additionally, take care to remove any pieces of eggshells from fried eggs, which can sometimes pose a choking hazard in smaller dogs.


Pork is a good choice for dogs who may be slightly underweight and need to put on a little bit of weight to be healthy. Pork contains a lot of calories per pound, which makes it a healthy source of caloric content in this situation.

You can give your dog plain, unseasoned pork that has been roasted or boiled. You can also give your dog ham, but make sure you don't give too much, as it contains a lot of salt. Ham lunchmeat can be shared with your dog every so often, but don't overdo it.


Popcorn is a fun treat to share with your pet on movie night. You may enjoy cuddling up with your dog and a bowl of popcorn for both of you, but make sure you don't overdo it when giving your pet this treat. A little bit of popcorn a few times a week is just fine, however.

You should only give your dog popcorn that has not been buttered or salted. Remove any hard kernels or husks from the popcorn before sharing it so your dog doesn't risk choking on these small items.


With so many human foods you can share with your pet, it's easy to find a way to incorporate your meals with each other. However, make sure you pay close attention to the other ingredients and substances in any food you give your dog, and never feed your dog any food that contains a toxic or harmful substance.

Foods you should avoid giving to your dog include chocolate, grapes, onions, garlic, and anything containing Xylitol. Stick to sharing the foods on this list for best results.
